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Analog Studio Equipment
Last available Components:
- Coleman Audio LS3 (Line selector, 3 way splitter box)
- Coleman Audio SR7.1 (7.1 surround controller | second hand)
Price on request
Line Selector - Three way splitter box
7.1 Surround Level Control
4 Band Stereo Equalizer
4 Band Stereo Mastering Equalizer
Monitor and Subwoofer Controller
Stereo Headphone Amp
Passive DAW Monitor Control
PH1 Series 500
Device Interface and DI Box
Summing Console
Monitor Controller w. Cue & Talkback
DAW Monitor Controller
Six Input Auxiliary Switcher
6 Input Switcher w. Monitor Control
Speaker Switcher
Eight Input Stereo Monitor Switcher
4 Input Switcher w. Monitor Controller
Dual VU Meter Module
Quad VU Meter Module
7.1 Surround Switcher
5.1 Surround Switcher
Surround VU Meter System
5.1 Surround Level Control